Fun stuff

Saturday on the dancefloor

Free minipizza included in the happy hour! The reason why we didn’t take too maincourses…

Instead we chared a really tasty wok… yummie!


Ina & Ada at Thaisa’s place

Too french guys and a portuguese girl

Katie was HOT in her dress. Miiiaow!

Ina and me saw a trashed car in the way to the club. This feels like a newspic, haha!

Me and Ina in line to the club

I was totally sober… Hrm.

I have learned my lesson, and is now staying away from tequila shots… but there were others who still have the guts to ”lick, drink and lemon”. 😉

Jenny & Ada on the dancefloor

Le weekend was fab. Saturday night started with drinks and dinner at Marais, after that me and Ina walked home till Thaisa. She lives with her cousin in the middle of the hotspot!
It was great and I met all these fun and nice people. After midnight we went to a club somewhere around Grand Boulevards. I danced, laughed and a guy flirted with me, and he turned out to have a girlfriend… are the rumors about the frenchies true? Obviously… And it was expensive and the music was awful. I hate technoshit.

Oh well, I had a great time with my friends! 🙂

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